Web Hosting API


Web Hosting API


This section of our documentation will assist you in the management of Web Hosting instances at Gandi.net through our REST API.

Documentation on our XML-RPC API can be found at https://doc.rpc.gandi.net

General information on Gandi's Web Hosting services can be found in our public documentation at:

Web Hosting applications list


get List Web Hosting applications

This route lists the applications that can be installed on a Web Hosting instance.


Query String
  • Optional
    • databasestring
      Filters the list with the database they can use, with optional patterns.
      Example: mysql
      Example: pg*
    • languagestring
      Filters the list by the language they use, with optional patterns.
      Example: php
      Example: py*
    • namestring
      Filters the list by application name, with optional patterns.
      Example: nextcloud
      Example: mato*
      Example: *press
    • pageinteger

      Default: 1

      Minimum: 1

      Which result page to retrieve. If the number is greater than the last page, an empty list is returned.
    • per_pageinteger

      Minimum: 1

      How many items to display per page.
    • sharing_idstring
      Sharing ID. Organization ID used as a filter or as a billing identifier. See the reference.
    • sort_bystring

      Default: "-created_at"

      Indicate the field used to sort the results. The field's name may start with - to reverse the order.
  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key



    • Total-Countinteger
      Total number of items.
    • Linkstring
      Links to next and last page.
  • application/json

    Of items of type:

    • object

      With the following properties:

      • namestring
      • name_labelstring
      • requirementsarray

        Of items of type:

        • object

          With the following properties:

          • databaseobject
            Database supported by the application

            With the following properties:

            • namestring
            • statusstring
            • versionstring
          • instance_minimum_sizestring
            Minimum required PaaS size for this application
          • languageobject
            Language used by the application

            With the following properties:

            • namestring
            • single_applicationboolean
              true if the application must be the only vhost of the instance
            • statusstring
            • versionstring


Access to the resource is denied. Mainly due to a lack of permissions to access it.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong API Key.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


In case the bearer token has expired, does not have enought permission or does not exists.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring

Secured by

Http Authorization Scheme

This authentication scheme allows you to pass your Personal Access Token and be granted access to permissions and resources scoped by this token.

Tokens are created in the Organization Tab of the Gandi Admin application, choose the organization the token will have access too. Then go to the sharing tab, and click on "Create a token" button.

The authentication scheme Apikey allows also you to pass your Gandi API Key, but has been deprecated.

  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key

Web Hosting application information


get Application details

This route returns detailed information for a given application.


URI Parameters
    • application_namestring
      Name of an application.



  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • namestring
    • name_labelstring
    • requirementsarray

      Of items of type:

      • object

        With the following properties:

        • databaseobject
          Database supported by the application

          With the following properties:

          • namestring
          • statusstring
          • versionstring
        • instance_minimum_sizestring
          Minimum required PaaS size for this application
        • languageobject
          Language used by the application

          With the following properties:

          • namestring
          • single_applicationboolean
            true if the application must be the only vhost of the instance
          • statusstring
          • versionstring

Web Hosting instances list and create


get List Web Hosting instances

This route lists the instances the authenticated user has permission to access.


Query String
  • Optional
    • fqdnstring
      Filters the list by vhost domain name, with optional patterns.
      The FQDN must be encoded in ASCII form (Punycode).
      Example: example.net
      Example: example.*
      Example: *example.com
    • namestring
      Filters the list by instance name, with optional patterns.
      Example: example
      Example: examp*
      Example: *mple
    • pageinteger

      Default: 1

      Minimum: 1

      Which result page to retrieve. If the number is greater than the last page, an empty list is returned.
    • per_pageinteger

      Minimum: 1

      How many items to display per page.
    • sharing_idstring
      Sharing ID. Organization ID used as a filter or as a billing identifier. See the reference.
    • sizestring

      One of: "s", "s+", "m", "l", "xl", "xxl", "starter", "advanced", "pro", "business"

      Filters the list by instance size.
    • sort_bystring

      Default: "-created_at"

      Indicate the field used to sort the results. The field's name may start with - to reverse the order.
    • statusstring

      One of: "waiting_bill", "being_created", "active", "paused", "locked", "being_deleted"

      Filters the list by instance status.
  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key



    • Total-Countinteger
      Total number of items.
    • Linkstring
      Links to next and last page.
  • application/json

    Of items of type:

    • object

      With the following properties:

      • available_upgradeboolean
      • created_atdatetime
      • databaseobject

        With the following properties:

        • namestring
        • statusstring
        • versionstring
      • datacenterobject

        With the following properties:

        • codestring

          One of: "FR-SD3", "FR-SD5", "FR-SD6", "LU-BI1"

        • namestring
        • regionstring

          One of: "FR", "LU"

      • expire_atdatetime
      • idstring
      • languageobject

        With the following properties:

        • namestring
        • single_applicationboolean
          true if the application must be the only vhost of the instance
        • statusstring
        • versionstring
      • namestring
      • sharing_spaceobject

        With the following properties:

        • idstring
        • namestring
      • sizestring

        One of: "s", "s+", "m", "l", "xl", "xxl", "starter", "advanced", "pro", "business"

      • snapshot_enabledboolean
      • statusstring

        One of: "waiting_bill", "being_created", "active", "paused", "locked", "being_deleted"

      • storageobject

        With the following properties:

        • additionalobject

          With the following properties:

          • unitstring

            One of: "MB", "GB"

          • valueinteger
        • baseobject

          With the following properties:

          • unitstring

            One of: "MB", "GB"

          • valueinteger
        • totalobject

          With the following properties:

          • unitstring

            One of: "MB", "GB"

          • valueinteger
      • autorenewobject

        With the following properties:

        • durationinteger
        • duration_typestring

          One of: "m"

      • domainstring
      • password_updated_atdatetime
        Last password update date. Only present if a password is set.
      • subscription_cancelledboolean
        Whether the Web Hosting subscription is cancelled.


Access to the resource is denied. Mainly due to a lack of permissions to access it.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong API Key.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


In case the bearer token has expired, does not have enought permission or does not exists.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring

Secured by

Http Authorization Scheme

This authentication scheme allows you to pass your Personal Access Token and be granted access to permissions and resources scoped by this token.

Tokens are created in the Organization Tab of the Gandi Admin application, choose the organization the token will have access too. Then go to the sharing tab, and click on "Create a token" button.

The authentication scheme Apikey allows also you to pass your Gandi API Key, but has been deprecated.

  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key

post Create Web Hosting instances

This route creates a new Web Hosting instance Warning! This is not a free operation. Please ensure your prepaid account has enough credit, or that you have a registered credit card.

Pay as an individual

To pay with your user organization (ie: yourself as an individual), just use the regular required parameters. The invoice will be edited with your personal information.

Pay as another organization

To pay using another organization, you'll need to perform the request with the organization's ID as the sharing_id query string parameter (see reference). The invoice will be edited using this organization's information.

For this to work, you need to:

  • have billing permissions on the organization


Query String
  • Optional
    • sharing_idstring
      Sharing ID. Organization ID used as a filter or as a billing identifier. See the reference.
  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key
    • Dry-Runinteger
      If this header's value is 1 the request's parameters will only be checked; the operation will not actually be performed.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • locationstring

      One of: "FR", "LU"

      Indicates where the instance will be created.
    • sizestring

      One of: "starter", "advanced", "pro", "business"

      The size of the instance
    • typeobject
      The database and language to use for the Web Hosting instance.

      With the following properties:

      • databaseobject

        With the following properties:

        • namestring

          One of: "mysql", "pgsql"

          The database management system to use.
        • versionstring
          The database version to use, defaulting on the recommended version if the field is missing.
      • languageobject

        With the following properties:

        • namestring

          One of: "php", "python", "nodejs", "ruby"

          The language interpreter to use
        • versionstring
          The language version to use, if none given will chose the recommended version.
    • authenticationobject

      If this field is absent, instance storage cannot be accessed through sftp and the advanced control panel will be unavailable until a password is set.

      Username and hostname to connect to will be available in instance details once created.

      With the following properties:

      • passwordstring
        The password for sftp, git and advanced control panel access. It can be provided in clear text or in unix crypt format using MD5, SHA-256 or SHA-512 as hash algorithm.
      • keysarray
        IDs of SSH public keys registered through our SSH keys API.

        Of items of type:

        • string
      • ssh_keysarray[ string ]
        SSH public keys for sftp and git access in OpenSSH format.
    • autorenewboolean
      If true, the instance will automatically be renewed upon expiration, ensure you have set up a payment method linked to your prepaid or that your prepaid has enough money.
    • domainobject
      To register a free domain name that will be linked to Web Hosting instance.

      With the following properties:

      • fqdnstring
      • ownerobject

        With the following properties:

        • countrystring
          A country code. See the country code list for possible values.
        • emailstring
        • familystring
          Contact's family name (usualy the lastname)
        • givenstring
          Contact's given name (usualy the firstname)
        • streetaddrstring
        • typestring

          One of: "individual", "company", "association", "publicbody"

        • brand_numberstring
        • citystring
        • data_obfuscatedboolean

          Default: true

          Learn more about WHOIS privacy at Gandi here.
        • extra_parametersobject
          Extra parameters needed for some extensions. See this list for possible values.
        • faxstring
        • jo_announce_numberstring
        • jo_announce_pagestring
        • jo_declaration_datestring
        • jo_publication_datestring
        • langstring

          One of: "en", "es", "fr", "ja", "zh-hans", "zh-hant"

        • mail_obfuscatedboolean
        • mobilestring
        • orgnamestring
          The legal name of the company, association, or public body if the contact type is not 0.
        • phonestring
        • sirenstring
        • statestring
          Learn more about state codes here
        • validationstring

          One of: "pending", "done", "failed", "deleted", "none"

        • zipstring
      • adminobject

        With the following properties:

        • countrystring
          A country code. See the country code list for possible values.
        • emailstring
        • familystring
          Contact's family name (usualy the lastname)
        • givenstring
          Contact's given name (usualy the firstname)
        • streetaddrstring
        • typestring

          One of: "individual", "company", "association", "publicbody"

        • brand_numberstring
        • citystring
        • data_obfuscatedboolean

          Default: true

          Learn more about WHOIS privacy at Gandi here.
        • extra_parametersobject
          Extra parameters needed for some extensions. See this list for possible values.
        • faxstring
        • jo_announce_numberstring
        • jo_announce_pagestring
        • jo_declaration_datestring
        • jo_publication_datestring
        • langstring

          One of: "en", "es", "fr", "ja", "zh-hans", "zh-hant"

        • mail_obfuscatedboolean
        • mobilestring
        • orgnamestring
          The legal name of the company, association, or public body if the contact type is not 0.
        • phonestring
        • sirenstring
        • statestring
          Learn more about state codes here
        • validationstring

          One of: "pending", "done", "failed", "deleted", "none"

        • zipstring
      • billobject

        With the following properties:

        • countrystring
          A country code. See the country code list for possible values.
        • emailstring
        • familystring
          Contact's family name (usualy the lastname)
        • givenstring
          Contact's given name (usualy the firstname)
        • streetaddrstring
        • typestring

          One of: "individual", "company", "association", "publicbody"

        • brand_numberstring
        • citystring
        • data_obfuscatedboolean

          Default: true

          Learn more about WHOIS privacy at Gandi here.
        • extra_parametersobject
          Extra parameters needed for some extensions. See this list for possible values.
        • faxstring
        • jo_announce_numberstring
        • jo_announce_pagestring
        • jo_declaration_datestring
        • jo_publication_datestring
        • langstring

          One of: "en", "es", "fr", "ja", "zh-hans", "zh-hant"

        • mail_obfuscatedboolean
        • mobilestring
        • orgnamestring
          The legal name of the company, association, or public body if the contact type is not 0.
        • phonestring
        • sirenstring
        • statestring
          Learn more about state codes here
        • validationstring

          One of: "pending", "done", "failed", "deleted", "none"

        • zipstring
      • extra_parametersobject
        Extra parameters needed for some extensions. See this list for possible values.
      • langstring
        ISO-639-2 language code of the domain, required for some IDN domains.
      • techobject

        With the following properties:

        • countrystring
          A country code. See the country code list for possible values.
        • emailstring
        • familystring
          Contact's family name (usualy the lastname)
        • givenstring
          Contact's given name (usualy the firstname)
        • streetaddrstring
        • typestring

          One of: "individual", "company", "association", "publicbody"

        • brand_numberstring
        • citystring
        • data_obfuscatedboolean

          Default: true

          Learn more about WHOIS privacy at Gandi here.
        • extra_parametersobject
          Extra parameters needed for some extensions. See this list for possible values.
        • faxstring
        • jo_announce_numberstring
        • jo_announce_pagestring
        • jo_declaration_datestring
        • jo_publication_datestring
        • langstring

          One of: "en", "es", "fr", "ja", "zh-hans", "zh-hant"

        • mail_obfuscatedboolean
        • mobilestring
        • orgnamestring
          The legal name of the company, association, or public body if the contact type is not 0.
        • phonestring
        • sirenstring
        • statestring
          Learn more about state codes here
        • validationstring

          One of: "pending", "done", "failed", "deleted", "none"

        • zipstring
    • durationinteger

      Default: 1

      Minimum: 1

      The duration your instance will be created for in duration_unit. If none given the instance will be created for a month.
    • duration_unitstring

      One of: "m"

      Default: "m"

      The unit to use for duration field, currently only months are supported (m)
    • namestring
      The name of the instance, if none is given a name will be generated.
    • snapshot_enabledboolean

      Default: false

      If true, automatic snapshots will be enabled for this instance.

      Please note that a snapshot doesn't replace a proper backup.

    • storage_additional_sizeinteger

      Default: 0

      Minimum: 0

      Maximum: 1004

      Additional storage amount for the instance in GB
    • vhostsarray
      Creates the described vhosts on the instance on creation

      Of items of type:

      • object

        With the following properties:

        • fqdnstring
          FQDN of the vhost
        • applicationobject
          An application to install on the vhost upon creation. The application list, parameters and language/database compatibility is available here

          With the following properties:

          • namestring
          • parametersobject
        • https_strategystring

          One of: "HTTP_only", "allow_HTTP_and_HTTPS", "redirect_HTTP_to_HTTPS"

          Default: "allow_HTTP_and_HTTPS"

          The strategy to use for secure connection to the vhost.
        • linked_dns_zoneobject

          With the following properties:

          • allow_alterationboolean

            Default: false

            If true we set the DNS records for the vhost, can only be set if related domain is managed by LiveDNS and you have the rights to manage the domain records.
          • allow_alteration_overrideboolean

            Default: false

            If true we will override an existing record for this vhost if one exists. Has no effect if zone_alter is false.
        • with_free_sslboolean

          Default: false

          If true, we will create a free certificate after the instance gets created.



Dry-Run response. You will get this response when you send your request. with a Dry-Run: 1 header.
  • Optional
    • Warningstring
      Warning message
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • statusstring

      One of: "success", "error"

      Response status.
    • errorsarray
      A list of all the errors encountered during validation.

      Of items of type:

      • object

        With the following properties:

        • descriptionstring
          Error message.
        • locationstring

          One of: "header", "path", "querystring", "body"

          The field's location in the HTTP response.
        • namestring
          The xpath of the field.


    • Content-Locationstring
      Link to the created instance
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • messagestring
      Confirmation message.


Access to the resource is denied. Mainly due to a lack of permissions to access it.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong API Key.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


In case the bearer token has expired, does not have enought permission or does not exists.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring

Secured by

Http Authorization Scheme

This authentication scheme allows you to pass your Personal Access Token and be granted access to permissions and resources scoped by this token.

Tokens are created in the Organization Tab of the Gandi Admin application, choose the organization the token will have access too. Then go to the sharing tab, and click on "Create a token" button.

The authentication scheme Apikey allows also you to pass your Gandi API Key, but has been deprecated.

  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key

Web Hosting instance information


get Instance details

This route returns detailed information for a given instance.


URI Parameters
    • instance_idstring
      UUID of an instance.
  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key



  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • access_informationobject

      With the following properties:

      • admin_urlstring
      • databaseobject

        With the following properties:

        • adminsarray

          Of items of type:

          • object

            With the following properties:

            • typestring

              One of: "phpMyAdmin", "phpPgAdmin", "Adminer"

            • urlstring
            • usernamestring
        • hoststring
        • portinteger
          In case the database listens to an inet-type socket this field will contain the port number used by the database
        • socketstring
          In the event this database listens to a UNIX-type socket this field will contain the path of the socket
      • sftpobject

        With the following properties:

        • serverstring
        • urlstring
      • userstring
    • available_upgradeboolean
    • consoleobject
      The emergency console is a serial-like console you can access via SSH.

      With the following properties:

      • enabledboolean
      • urlstring
    • cpuinteger
    • created_atdatetime
    • databaseobject

      With the following properties:

      • namestring
      • statusstring
      • versionstring
    • datacenterobject

      With the following properties:

      • codestring

        One of: "FR-SD3", "FR-SD5", "FR-SD6", "LU-BI1"

      • namestring
      • regionstring

        One of: "FR", "LU"

    • expire_atdatetime
    • idstring
    • languageobject

      With the following properties:

      • namestring
      • single_applicationboolean
        true if the application must be the only vhost of the instance
      • statusstring
      • versionstring
    • namestring
    • ramobject

      With the following properties:

      • unitstring

        One of: "MB", "GB"

      • valueinteger
    • sharing_spaceobject

      With the following properties:

      • idstring
      • namestring
    • sizestring

      One of: "s", "s+", "m", "l", "xl", "xxl", "starter", "advanced", "pro", "business"

    • snapshot_enabledboolean
    • statusstring

      One of: "waiting_bill", "being_created", "active", "paused", "locked", "being_deleted"

    • storageobject

      With the following properties:

      • additionalobject

        With the following properties:

        • unitstring

          One of: "MB", "GB"

        • valueinteger
      • baseobject

        With the following properties:

        • unitstring

          One of: "MB", "GB"

        • valueinteger
      • totalobject

        With the following properties:

        • unitstring

          One of: "MB", "GB"

        • valueinteger
    • vhostsarray

      Of items of type:

      • object

        With the following properties:

        • fqdnstring
          FQDN linked to the vhost in ASCII (Punycode) format.
        • hrefstring
          Link to vhost details
    • autorenewobject

      With the following properties:

      • durationinteger
      • duration_typestring

        One of: "m"

    • boosterobject

      With the following properties:

      • currentobject

        With the following properties:

        • cpu_overrideinteger
        • created_atdatetime
        • expires_atdatetime
        • ram_overrideobject

          With the following properties:

          • unitstring

            One of: "MB", "GB"

          • valueinteger
        • size_overridestring

          One of: "s", "s+", "m", "l", "xl", "xxl", "starter", "advanced", "pro", "business"

        • statusstring

          One of: "being_created", "active", "being_deleted"

      • nextobject

        With the following properties:

        • availableboolean
        • cooldown_daysinteger
        • default_cpu_overrideinteger
        • default_ram_overrideobject

          With the following properties:

          • unitstring

            One of: "MB", "GB"

          • valueinteger
        • duration_daysinteger
        • available_atdatetime
    • compatible_applicationsarray

      Of items of type:

      • object

        With the following properties:

        • namestring
        • parametersobject
    • domainstring
    • password_updated_atdatetime
      Last password update date. Only present if a password is set.
    • subscription_cancelledboolean
      Whether the Web Hosting subscription is cancelled.
    • upgrade_toarray

      Of items of type:

      • object

        With the following properties:

        • namestring
        • statusstring
        • typestring
          Indicate whether the available upgrade is a database or a language upgrade.
        • versionstring


Access to the resource is denied. Mainly due to a lack of permissions to access it.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong API Key.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


In case the bearer token has expired, does not have enought permission or does not exists.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring

Secured by

Http Authorization Scheme

This authentication scheme allows you to pass your Personal Access Token and be granted access to permissions and resources scoped by this token.

Tokens are created in the Organization Tab of the Gandi Admin application, choose the organization the token will have access too. Then go to the sharing tab, and click on "Create a token" button.

The authentication scheme Apikey allows also you to pass your Gandi API Key, but has been deprecated.

  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key

patch Web Hosting instance modification

This route allows to modify a given instance

Be mindful that it can induce a payment, typically if the instance size or storage additional size is modified.


URI Parameters
    • instance_idstring
      UUID of an instance.
  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • boosterboolean
    • booster_optionsobject

      With the following properties:

      • sizestring

        One of: "s", "s+", "m", "l", "xl", "xxl", "starter", "advanced", "pro", "business", "boosted"

    • language_idstring
      UUID of the language to upgrade to. This value can be found in the upgrade_to field of the return of a GET of this instance (which lists the available upgrades).
    • namestring
    • passwordstring
      The password for sftp, git and advanced control panel access. It can be provided in clear text or in unix crypt format using MD5, SHA-256 or SHA-512 as hash algorithm.
    • sizestring

      One of: "s+", "m", "l", "xxl"

      Resize the instance (triggering a payment). Only supported for s, s+, m, l, xl, and xxl instances.
    • snapshot_enabledboolean
      If true, automatic snapshots will be enabled for this instance.
    • storage_additional_sizeinteger
      Additional storage amount for the instance in GB. Note that only increases are supported.



    • Content-Locationstring
      Link to the modified instance.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • messagestring


Access to the resource is denied. Mainly due to a lack of permissions to access it.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong API Key.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


In case the bearer token has expired, does not have enought permission or does not exists.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring

Secured by

Http Authorization Scheme

This authentication scheme allows you to pass your Personal Access Token and be granted access to permissions and resources scoped by this token.

Tokens are created in the Organization Tab of the Gandi Admin application, choose the organization the token will have access too. Then go to the sharing tab, and click on "Create a token" button.

The authentication scheme Apikey allows also you to pass your Gandi API Key, but has been deprecated.

  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key


This route deletes the given instance. This action can lead to a refund on your prepaid account if the instance is refundable.


URI Parameters
    • instance_idstring
      UUID of an instance.
  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key



Instance is deleted


Access to the resource is denied. Mainly due to a lack of permissions to access it.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong API Key.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


In case the bearer token has expired, does not have enought permission or does not exists.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring

Secured by

Http Authorization Scheme

This authentication scheme allows you to pass your Personal Access Token and be granted access to permissions and resources scoped by this token.

Tokens are created in the Organization Tab of the Gandi Admin application, choose the organization the token will have access too. Then go to the sharing tab, and click on "Create a token" button.

The authentication scheme Apikey allows also you to pass your Gandi API Key, but has been deprecated.

  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key

Web Hosting instance actions


post Perform an action on the instance

This route allows restarting, resetting the database password, and activating the instance console.


URI Parameters
    • instance_idstring
      UUID of an instance.
  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • actionstring

      One of: "restart", "console", "reset_database_password"



    • Content-Locationstring
      Link to the instance on which the action is taken
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • messagestring
      Confirmation message.


An internal error has occurred and the action cannot be performed.


Access to the resource is denied. Mainly due to a lack of permissions to access it.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong API Key.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


In case the bearer token has expired, does not have enought permission or does not exists.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring

Secured by

Http Authorization Scheme

This authentication scheme allows you to pass your Personal Access Token and be granted access to permissions and resources scoped by this token.

Tokens are created in the Organization Tab of the Gandi Admin application, choose the organization the token will have access too. Then go to the sharing tab, and click on "Create a token" button.

The authentication scheme Apikey allows also you to pass your Gandi API Key, but has been deprecated.

  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key

Web Hosting instance usage metrics


get Usage metrics

This route is used to get usage metrics of an instance


URI Parameters
    • instance_idstring
      UUID of an instance.
  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key



  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • disk_size_bytesinteger
      The total disk space in bytes.
    • disk_used_bytesinteger
      The used disk space in bytes.


Access to the resource is denied. Mainly due to a lack of permissions to access it.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong API Key.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


In case the bearer token has expired, does not have enought permission or does not exists.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring

Secured by

Http Authorization Scheme

This authentication scheme allows you to pass your Personal Access Token and be granted access to permissions and resources scoped by this token.

Tokens are created in the Organization Tab of the Gandi Admin application, choose the organization the token will have access too. Then go to the sharing tab, and click on "Create a token" button.

The authentication scheme Apikey allows also you to pass your Gandi API Key, but has been deprecated.

  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key

Web Hosting instance vhost list and create


get List vhosts

This route is used to list vhosts of an instance.


URI Parameters
    • instance_idstring
      UUID of an instance.
Query String
  • Optional
    • fqdnstring
      Filters the list by vhost domain name, with optional patterns.
      The FQDN must be encoded in ASCII form (Punycode).
      Example: example.net
      Example: example.*
      Example: *example.com
    • pageinteger

      Default: 1

      Minimum: 1

      Which result page to retrieve. If the number is greater than the last page, an empty list is returned.
    • per_pageinteger

      Minimum: 1

      How many items to display per page.
    • sort_bystring

      Default: "-created_at"

      Indicate the field used to sort the results. The field's name may start with - to reverse the order.
    • statusstring

      One of: "being_created", "running", "being_deleted", "locked", "waiting_ownership", "ownership_validated", "validation_failed"

      Filters the list by vhost status.
  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key



    • Total-Countinteger
      Total number of items.
    • Linkstring
      Links to next and last page.
  • application/json

    Of items of type:

    • object

      With the following properties:

      • created_atdatetime
      • fqdnstring
        FQDN linked to the vhost in ASCII (Punycode) format.
      • is_a_test_vhostboolean
        True if the vhost is intended for testing purposes only.
      • linked_dns_zoneobject
        This field contains information on the DNS zone the vhost is linked to.

        With the following properties:

        • allow_alterationboolean
          True if you authorized Gandi to modify your DNS zone so that your vhost points to our Web Hosting public endpoints. If set to True and your DNS zone is managed by our liveDNS platform, you will not have to manually change your DNS configuration to validate your vhost ownership. Check last_checked_status to validate.
        • last_checked_statusstring

          One of: "altered", "livedns_conflict", "livedns_done", "livedns_error", "unknown"

          DNS zone validity when last checked
        • last_checked_atdatetime
          Date of the last check for zone validity
      • statusstring

        One of: "being_created", "running", "being_deleted", "locked", "waiting_ownership", "ownership_validated", "validation_failed"

      • applicationobject

        With the following properties:

        • namestring
        • parametersobject
      • certificatesarray

        Of items of type:

        • object

          With the following properties:

          • hrefstring
          • idstring
          • pendingboolean
      • https_strategystring

        One of: "HTTP_only", "allow_HTTP_and_HTTPS", "redirect_HTTP_to_HTTPS"

        Describes the strategy used regarding secure connection to your vhost (HTTP/HTTPS). This field is only present if you have a certificate.


Access to the resource is denied. Mainly due to a lack of permissions to access it.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong API Key.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


In case the bearer token has expired, does not have enought permission or does not exists.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring

Secured by

Http Authorization Scheme

This authentication scheme allows you to pass your Personal Access Token and be granted access to permissions and resources scoped by this token.

Tokens are created in the Organization Tab of the Gandi Admin application, choose the organization the token will have access too. Then go to the sharing tab, and click on "Create a token" button.

The authentication scheme Apikey allows also you to pass your Gandi API Key, but has been deprecated.

  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key

post Create a new vhost

This route is used to create a vhost on an instance.


URI Parameters
    • instance_idstring
      UUID of an instance.
  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • fqdnstring
      fqdn of the vhost.
    • applicationobject

      With the following properties:

      • namestring
      • parametersobject
    • linked_dns_zoneobject

      With the following properties:

      • allow_alterationboolean
        True if you authorized Gandi to modify your DNS zone so that your vhost points to our Web Hosting public endpoints. If set to True and your DNS zone is managed by our liveDNS platform, you will not have to manually change your DNS configuration to validate your vhost ownership. Check last_checked_status to validate.
      • allow_alteration_overrideboolean

        Default: false

        True to override your DNS zone if there already is a record on your vhost fqdn.



    • Content-Locationstring
      Link to the new vhost.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • fqdnstring
      fqdn of the vhost.
    • https_strategystring

      One of: "HTTP_only", "allow_HTTP_and_HTTPS", "redirect_HTTP_to_HTTPS"

      Describes the strategy used regarding secure connection to your vhost (HTTP/HTTPS). This field is only present if you have a certificate.
    • linked_dns_zoneobject

      With the following properties:

      • allow_alterationboolean
        True if you authorized Gandi to modify your DNS zone so that your vhost points to our Web Hosting public endpoints. If set to True and your DNS zone is managed by our liveDNS platform, you will not have to manually change your DNS configuration to validate your vhost ownership. Check last_checked_status to validate.
      • last_checked_statusstring

        One of: "altered", "livedns_conflict", "livedns_done", "livedns_error", "unknown"

        DNS zone validity when last checked
    • statusstring

      One of: "being_created", "running", "being_deleted", "locked", "waiting_ownership", "ownership_validated", "validation_failed"


Access to the resource is denied. Mainly due to a lack of permissions to access it.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


The vhost already exist on the instance and the creation cannot be performed.


Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong API Key.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


In case the bearer token has expired, does not have enought permission or does not exists.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring

Secured by

Http Authorization Scheme

This authentication scheme allows you to pass your Personal Access Token and be granted access to permissions and resources scoped by this token.

Tokens are created in the Organization Tab of the Gandi Admin application, choose the organization the token will have access too. Then go to the sharing tab, and click on "Create a token" button.

The authentication scheme Apikey allows also you to pass your Gandi API Key, but has been deprecated.

  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key

Web Hosting vhost information


get Vhost details

This route returns the detailed information about the given vhost.


URI Parameters
    • instance_idstring
      UUID of an instance.
    • vhost_fqdnstring
      fqdn of a vhost.
  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key



  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • created_atdatetime
    • fqdnstring
      FQDN linked to the vhost in ASCII (Punycode) format.
    • is_a_test_vhostboolean
      True if the vhost is intended for testing purposes only.
    • linked_dns_zoneobject
      This field contains information on the DNS zone the vhost is linked to.

      With the following properties:

      • allow_alterationboolean
        True if you authorized Gandi to modify your DNS zone so that your vhost points to our Web Hosting public endpoints. If set to True and your DNS zone is managed by our liveDNS platform, you will not have to manually change your DNS configuration to validate your vhost ownership. Check last_checked_status to validate.
      • allow_alterationboolean
        True if you authorized Gandi to modify your DNS zone so that your vhost points to our Web Hosting public endpoints. If set to True and your DNS zone is managed by our liveDNS platform, you will not have to manually change your DNS configuration to validate your vhost ownership. Check last_checked_status to validate.
      • cnamestring
        Canonical name of the web accelerator hosting your vhost. You need this if the vhost is not the apex (top level) of your zone
      • domainstring
        FQDN of the zone to which you need to apply the DNS records
      • ipv4string
        IPv4 pointing to the web accelerator hosting your vhost. You only need this if the vhost is at the root of your zone
      • ipv6string
        IPv6 pointing to the web accelerator hosting your vhost. You only need this if the vhost is at the root of your zone
      • is_alterableboolean
        True if the zone can be automatically managed by Web Hosting
      • is_rootboolean
        True if the vhost is on the root of the zone. It means you have to add A and AAAA entries to your zone rather than a CNAME.
      • keystring
        The name associated with the entries to add to your zone, if the vhost is the root of your zone it should be @.
      • last_checked_statusstring

        One of: "altered", "livedns_conflict", "livedns_done", "livedns_error", "unknown"

        DNS zone validity when last checked
      • last_checked_statusstring

        One of: "altered", "livedns_conflict", "livedns_done", "livedns_error", "unknown"

        DNS zone validity when last checked
      • txtstring
        TXT entry that needs to be present in your DNS zone to validate domain ownership.
      • last_checked_atdatetime
        Date of the last check for zone validity
      • last_checked_atdatetime
        Date of the last check for zone validity
    • statusstring

      One of: "being_created", "running", "being_deleted", "locked", "waiting_ownership", "ownership_validated", "validation_failed"

    • applicationobject

      With the following properties:

      • namestring
      • namestring
      • statusstring

        One of: "error", "running", "being_created", "cancelled"

      • parametersobject
      • parametersobject
    • certificatesarray

      Of items of type:

      • object

        With the following properties:

        • hrefstring
        • idstring
        • pendingboolean
    • deploymentobject

      With the following properties:

      • gitobject

        With the following properties:

        • deploy_commandstring
        • remote_commandstring
        • urlstring
      • sftpobject

        With the following properties:

        • directorystring
          Directory relative to the SFTP root where the vhost is located.
        • document_rootstring
          Directory relative to the SFTP root where the root of the exposed vhost is located.
        • serverstring
        • urlstring
    • https_strategystring

      One of: "HTTP_only", "allow_HTTP_and_HTTPS", "redirect_HTTP_to_HTTPS"

      Describes the strategy used regarding secure connection to your vhost (HTTP/HTTPS). This field is only present if you have a certificate.


Access to the resource is denied. Mainly due to a lack of permissions to access it.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong API Key.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


In case the bearer token has expired, does not have enought permission or does not exists.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring

Secured by

Http Authorization Scheme

This authentication scheme allows you to pass your Personal Access Token and be granted access to permissions and resources scoped by this token.

Tokens are created in the Organization Tab of the Gandi Admin application, choose the organization the token will have access too. Then go to the sharing tab, and click on "Create a token" button.

The authentication scheme Apikey allows also you to pass your Gandi API Key, but has been deprecated.

  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key

patch Update a vhost

This route is used to update a vhost


URI Parameters
    • instance_idstring
      UUID of an instance.
    • vhost_fqdnstring
      fqdn of a vhost.
  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • applicationobject

      With the following properties:

      • namestring
      • parametersobject
    • https_strategystring

      One of: "HTTP_only", "allow_HTTP_and_HTTPS", "redirect_HTTP_to_HTTPS"

      Describes the strategy used regarding secure connection to your vhost (HTTP/HTTPS). This field is only present if you have a certificate.
    • linked_dns_zoneobject

      With the following properties:

      • allow_alterationboolean
        True if you authorized Gandi to modify your DNS zone so that your vhost points to our Web Hosting public endpoints. If set to True and your DNS zone is managed by our liveDNS platform, you will not have to manually change your DNS configuration to validate your vhost ownership. Check last_checked_status to validate.
      • allow_alteration_overrideboolean

        Default: false

        True to override your DNS zone if there already is a record to link your instance to your vhost fqdn.



  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • fqdnstring
      fqdn of the vhost.
    • https_strategystring

      One of: "HTTP_only", "allow_HTTP_and_HTTPS", "redirect_HTTP_to_HTTPS"

      Describes the strategy used regarding secure connection to your vhost (HTTP/HTTPS). This field is only present if you have a certificate.
    • linked_dns_zoneobject

      With the following properties:

      • allow_alterationboolean
        True if you authorized Gandi to modify your DNS zone so that your vhost points to our Web Hosting public endpoints. If set to True and your DNS zone is managed by our liveDNS platform, you will not have to manually change your DNS configuration to validate your vhost ownership. Check last_checked_status to validate.
      • last_checked_statusstring

        One of: "altered", "livedns_conflict", "livedns_done", "livedns_error", "unknown"

        DNS zone validity when last checked
    • statusstring

      One of: "being_created", "running", "being_deleted", "locked", "waiting_ownership", "ownership_validated", "validation_failed"


Access to the resource is denied. Mainly due to a lack of permissions to access it.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong API Key.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


In case the bearer token has expired, does not have enought permission or does not exists.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring

Secured by

Http Authorization Scheme

This authentication scheme allows you to pass your Personal Access Token and be granted access to permissions and resources scoped by this token.

Tokens are created in the Organization Tab of the Gandi Admin application, choose the organization the token will have access too. Then go to the sharing tab, and click on "Create a token" button.

The authentication scheme Apikey allows also you to pass your Gandi API Key, but has been deprecated.

  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key

delete Delete a vhost

This route is used to delete a vhost of an instance.


URI Parameters
    • instance_idstring
      UUID of an instance.
    • vhost_fqdnstring
      fqdn of a vhost.
  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key



Vhost is deleted


Access to the resource is denied. Mainly due to a lack of permissions to access it.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong API Key.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


In case the bearer token has expired, does not have enought permission or does not exists.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring

Secured by

Http Authorization Scheme

This authentication scheme allows you to pass your Personal Access Token and be granted access to permissions and resources scoped by this token.

Tokens are created in the Organization Tab of the Gandi Admin application, choose the organization the token will have access too. Then go to the sharing tab, and click on "Create a token" button.

The authentication scheme Apikey allows also you to pass your Gandi API Key, but has been deprecated.

  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key

Web Hosting vhost cache information


delete Purge a vhost's cache

This route is used to purge the cache of a Web Hosting vhost


URI Parameters
    • instance_idstring
      UUID of an instance.
    • vhost_fqdnstring
      fqdn of a vhost.
  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key



Vhost's cache is purged


Access to the resource is denied. Mainly due to a lack of permissions to access it.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


Bad authentication attempt because of a wrong API Key.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring


In case the bearer token has expired, does not have enought permission or does not exists.
  • application/json

    With the following properties:

    • causestring
    • codeinteger
    • messagestring
    • objectstring

Secured by

Http Authorization Scheme

This authentication scheme allows you to pass your Personal Access Token and be granted access to permissions and resources scoped by this token.

Tokens are created in the Organization Tab of the Gandi Admin application, choose the organization the token will have access too. Then go to the sharing tab, and click on "Create a token" button.

The authentication scheme Apikey allows also you to pass your Gandi API Key, but has been deprecated.

  • Required
    • Authorizationstring
      The Authorization header must start with Bearer for access token, or Apikey depending of the authentication scheme. Apikey is deprecated and be replaced by personal access token.
      Example: Bearer pat_abc-123
      Example: Apikey your-api-key